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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

All About The Toxic Leader

He is very jealous of those who outperform him, and he gets out of the way to satisfy his boss treated people for him, and he appreciates your hard work and also dominates. Meet the leader, he is a person who uses a staff and hurt the company in the end. They misuse their power and usually left the group or the company in a worse condition than it was when I first joined. ' Toxic leader is framed by the words "in 1996 by Marcia Whicker to describe leaders in various areas who because of a dysfunctional characteristics causing serious harm to people. Toxic leaders initially people magic and leave them later in paralysis.

Toxic leader has different qualities which is obviously quite different from the qualities of a good leader. Read the list to get a better understanding, some of the descriptions may overlap and are interrelated in many properties. The more of these qualities that has a leader and is more toxic.

Incompetent: toxic, incompetent leaders didn't have skills and sometimes, will be asked to complete the task. May fail to understand the nature of the mission and related issues, thus, they ultimately fail to solve the issue. May not be prepared to deal with the task, but it will take help from others because they do not want to undermine their own capacities. All the same, they will not hesitate to take credit for anything is successfully or to blame someone when the job fails.

Daffodil: ego focused on people, who spend most of their time and energy. They have little or no interest in the Organization and staffing or task. Although it is so self absorbed, they have little self-esteem. They feel embittered and dissatisfied people, with deep-rooted insecurity. They put up their motives and purpose of the organization. They are selfish and will go to any extent to meet their personal goals.

Static: they are very stubborn and rigid, and that it will not accept other ideas. They are not willing to adapt to new ideas or changed over time. They won't even listen to the opinion of others, and they are convinced they are right. In fact, they firmly believe they are the only ones who are right. They surround themselves with people who don't trap them. As a result of this flexibility, with time become stagnant and unproductive.

Sensitive: they have no consideration for the well-being of others. It is sensitive to their issues and only care about their selfishness. They use people and organization to achieve your long-term goals. They don't care about how their actions can affect others. Always putting the needs and wealth than his followers.

Arrogant: they considered themselves superior in everything. It is because such arrogance that it does not recognize their shortcomings. Even when the job fails, they refrain from taking blame, it is very easy to blame someone else.

Funky: toxic leaders are cowards, they lack the courage to face difficult situations. They nearly always shy away from making difficult choices and thus fail to achieve any positive change. In fact, most of the time, their decisions to leave the team if awesome, then abandonment of the mission.

Ambition: to be a fairly ambitious leader, but toxic leaders openly ambitious. They have an appetite for success is not healthy, but is willing to go to any length to satisfy this insatiable ambition. They want everything; the prestige, power, money and success at any price, then have to adopt an unethical or compromising the well-being of people.

Tyranny: If you give a toxic leader, full control of the group or organization, and tend to become very authoritarian dominance, because of high aspirations. It is a fanatic, who wants to do everything his way, and he makes unrealistic demands of people. There is no regard for creativity or consideration of other ideas and opinion. They teach people to comply with their beliefs rather than questioning him.

Evil: these leaders are evil, they commit atrocities. What power have abused people hurt either physically or psychologically. They make sure they drink in their fear, right from the beginning. We can see many of the evil leaders in our history such as those who have violated fundamental human rights llatbaahm.

Toxic leadership may be intentional or unintentional; leaders who harm others to promote their ambition are toxic leaders. There are leaders who by negligence and incompetence has caused a lot of harm to others, these are the unintentional toxic leaders. There are many examples of toxic leadership of both types. In businesses, schools and colleges, the military and others. A study made in 2003 by the US War College tips for toxic command in the US Army. He said all the officers who participated in the study were victims of this leadership at some time in their careers.

It may be very difficult to deal with a toxic leader. Can not only ruin your career, but they can also have a terrible effect on mental health. To deal with a toxic leader, trying to find like-minded people and meet the leader or Chief Commander. You can also try to develop a strategy to oust the leader. If the corrupt leader, you can consider to get the media involved. If any of these ways, it is better to bid farewell to the leader and start again.


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