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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How To Teach Leadership Skills to Students

"Leaders are made, not born. It is made of hard, that is the price we must all pay for the accomplishment of any worthwhile goal. "

To make Vince Lombardi, former coach of the national hero of the Green Packers in the 1960s] generates this statement eliminates the old adage of leaders and to make. Most people often assume that leadership is a skill that we have inherited and if you do not have these characteristics, then you have to follow. Well, there are a few qualities that people are born with an easy charm, and the ability to get people to listen to them, and a genuine likability, but more often driving is advanced over the years, learned from various experiences. While you may have a nascent leadership skills, if not, it may still be useful. This is why it is important to develop these skills in students. Teaching leadership skills to students is very important to give way to the younger generation has the capacity and capability of all needs in order to rule the world.

How you can teach leadership skills

As a teacher responsible for giving students the skills necessary for them to succeed in life, it is important that the various other topics, which also help to acquire certain skills, including leadership. It is important that your student understand what makes a good leader, and how one should lead. Also driving skills can often improve their trust in self. The different activities that you can get to simulate real life situations that can help to understand important aspects such as team building and proper planning and also find out what qualities of a good leader is. There are many different activities that can be used to teach students more about leadership skills such as.

Set projects
A simple way to teach students more about leadership is divided into groups and given different projects to work on. For each student to understand the concept of leadership, it is important that you make sure that the project is a long term one. It is important for you to assign roles to each student in the group. To ensure these roles throughout so that at least once in the course of the project, each student masters Hat team leader. In the beginning, the project assessment sheet for students to judge how the different roles on a weekly basis. Also in terms of paperwork explaining the different roles of students such as listening, planning, Division of work, thinking, and creative problem solving group. As a teacher, it will be your responsibility to monitor the group to see who works well as a leader.

The theory of knowledge
While this may not seem like a great way to transfer leadership skills, it is important for students to understand what leadership society and how it works. Explain to the students the different styles of leadership. From the cooperative for democratic transformation, authoritarian and bureaucratic, and so, it is important that students understand what constitutes leadership in the world. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Let them form their own opinions on how to merge styles together. Also, have a session where everyone can discuss the different qualities that are essential in a leader. You can also have a day in class where each student makes a presentation on the leader whom they admire.

In a world where technology is everyone's best friend, what is the best way you can come up with the use of technology and entertainment for the transfer of leadership skills. As a class, you can sit back and watch various movies and soap operas together with sharpening leadership skills and use. Classic examples include the Lord of the rings and Harry Potter series. In each of these films, the protagonist had been trained to realize that he can lead the people of misfortunes. You can watch movies and then discuss the same can be a great way to explain a feature necessary for children. Instead, use the Internet to download various interactive games and exercises where students are forced to dig deep inside themselves and use these traits the offspring they didn't know they possessed.

These are just some of the methods that can be used to teach students more about leadership. As a teacher, you need to always stress the fact that without team leader will be lost, and it's important to be a good listener and a good leader. Teaching leadership skills to students is a task that requires patience, perseverance, and also understand the skills that were detected several years will bear fruit in the future.

What makes a leader a leader

The best Executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Well, it would be really hard to disagree with the above quote, not only because they are impeccably accurate, but also because it was said by someone who was one of the most active and dynamic heads for the United States. Being a head of State is not an easy task and he did it with ease and panache the well rounded person. Hence, we can measure to what exactly what the characteristics of a leader that makes him or her special and impressive. It's not just some cliché qualities that go into making the leader. They involve other things too. What makes a leader is and how you can handle himself in any situation be. Let's go deeper into the various effective qualities and skills that go into making a good leader.

What makes a good leader

And the best process to find out what makes a great leader. So, if you want to know what makes a leader, first and foremost, and then prepare to be one. Once you have made up your mind about it and is already half of your business. You will make mistakes, that's for sure. But this is the only way you'll learn what makes a bad leader and you're sure to avoid these same mistakes in the future. Even if you're willing to make some mistakes and learn from them, let's get to the qualities that go into making a good leader.

One of the most important leadership qualities and skills is the resolve and determination to be one. If you're not convinced yourself that you can be a good leader, she will reflect on how you carry yourself, how you go about daily activities and also in the way that you expect to get the job done. How do you divide and delegate? Confidence is something that should be second nature to you. And once you are determined to do something, you simply can't rest until you're sure that this originally. So if you have a report, you can not think of being a leader.

Another quality of any type of leader is communication. The essence of leadership involves dealing with a group of people. It is clear that it is impossible to achieve any kind of success with the team if there is a lack of effective communication. You need to be a link between the Group and the next level (read). If you can't communicate well with your team, then you lose credibility with management and respect from your team.

Creativity and resourcefulness
Just being passionate and determined to do something is not enough. You have to know how to actually do the work as well as how to get it done. You need to be creative in finding the best ways and appealing more to get the desired results. You also need to know the most resourceful, cost-effective, and benefit from available resources, as well as the appropriate distribution of functions and duties. You must know which way will yield maximum results and make sure that you use only those. And be afraid to get your hands dirty of if and when required.

A person cannot be a leader if the consistency isn't one of his attributes. For what? Well, let's consider this. You have all the qualities that can make you a good leader. But I was very reluctant about the whole thing. Small resolutions scare you, let alone important. You are available to certain functionality once and then suddenly move your line of interest. As a result, you are not well versed with any type of work. The leader can not afford to be uncertain or questionable decisions. And to achieve this consistency, you need to give yourself time to gain experience, and experience. Only then will be a good leader.

Picture this: your leader may ask you to complete the task in a certain way. After completing this task, and the reprimand because the method that was used is incorrect and resulted in significant losses for the company. At this point in time, if it gives up all responsibilities and allows his team simply take the heat for that? And you as a team member, you have no respect whatsoever for this leader? Certainly not. Simply put, if you can't take responsibility for your actions, words and resolutions, you cannot be a good leader.

Emotional stability
Another quality that a leader needs to equip himself or herself with, is the emotional stability. Being a leader involves a lot of psychological pressure, and this can impact negatively on you physically as well as mentally. Can face you with many cases that may begin to question your abilities and ethics. While doing the right thing is up to you, you need to have the emotional stamina to put up with this kind of stress.

That was just a glimpse of what makes a leader. There are many more qualities that can be attributed to a good leader. How to sharpen them and make the best use of your ability is what will make you an exceptional leader.

All About Leadership Strategies

Organizations depend on proper leadership strategies to guide them through when the going gets tough. Summarized the thinkers and researchers in many ways that can run effectively, leaders of the Organization and the challenges. The recent economic crisis highlighted once again the need to stay ahead of the changing trends in the market and the need for innovative strategies of leaders.

Most of the scholars are of the belief that today's organizations need people who can fill the void, while the baby boomer generation retire. There is also a need for positive leadership, which can bring a sense of tranquility and stability in an organization was marred by rumors, anxiety and insecurity. There were companies that dominate the world market for decades, but failed to stand tall during the economic crisis. Lucent, of Lehman Brothers, Northern Rock are just a few examples of companies not to keep up with the sudden change, since there are more bankruptcies if the Government has bailed out some of the other players. The demise of these big names a question to current and aspiring leaders. How these companies, which were an example of competence and leadership, not read. While there may be many factors that contribute to the growth or demise, there are certain strategies that have proven benefit over a period of time. Let's take a look at some of these strategies, which must include leaders to obtain the best possible results.

You have a clear vision
A leader who has a clear vision about strategies able to communicate plans to staff better. If the same leader not too sure of a plan or a strategy, it is difficult to convince others, and this is where the confidence deficit anxiety creeping leader must know where you want to see in the coming months, years or decades and motivate his team to turn this vision into reality.

The value of people
A leader has the power to make a final decision on the issues, but this does not mean that people are not qualified enough to express their views. Evaluation and care of your employees is one of the basics of proper leadership. Working people in an organization are the most important assets, so it becomes necessary to invest time and effort leader groom them by giving them opportunities.

Building future leaders
"The crew did not create his minions, they create more leaders." As a leader, your job becomes much easier if you have a group of people who are confident and able to take important decisions. It is the responsibility of the leader to keep a close eye on persons with the possibility to take the company in a crisis situation.

Communicate effectively
To translate the vision into reality, it is very important for the leader to make the people believe in his ideas and effective communication helps to achieve this. Effective communication includes giving permission to the aspirations and interests of the employees with the intention to work properly. To ensure this, you need to create the right kind of atmosphere in your organization, so that enough people to express their views.

Take calculated risks
You should have convinced the leader to take calculated risks. As they say, "all is not lost for those wandering." It is important for the leader to think "outside the box" and encourage this behavior in people. Most people are reluctant to try out new things, and ' it is not my job "attitude is prevalent in most organizations. There is a difference between taking calculated risks and risk-taking behaviour. Take calculated risks on the verge of shedding our own comfort and stretch ourselves to our full potential. Risk behaviour, on the other hand, means transfer of risks without thinking about the consequences. People who take calculated risks and often have a ' plan b ' in place of the decline in the status of A plan is not working.

Develop yourself
As the leader of the Organization, and one can retreat to the assumptions of superiority and can easily fall into the ' been there, done that "type of attitude. It is very important to stay on the ground and eager to learn new ideas, techniques and so the bottom line is to innovate yourself every day.

These were some effective strategies that are essential qualities of strong leadership. As mentioned earlier, there are strict rules and fast, so there could be some other qualities which are more or less essential to those mentioned above. In the end, we would like our readers to remember what Stephen Covey, one of the most important intellectuals known management, leadership, said "the Administration is efficient climb the ladder of success; command determines if the ladder leaning against the right wall.

Leadership Skills for a Manager

Managers today must face many challenges. In most industries and sectors, managers need to do a variety of tasks simultaneously, therefore it requires tremendous stamina, passion and dedication to do the job efficiently. However, there are some top managers ' leadership skills that can make easier their functions and helping them work in a professional manner. Although most people get to learn leadership skills for managers in the sessions of the management, and the application of those concepts is practically the main challenge. So, go through the effective leadership of the Director below to see things better.

Leadership skills for managers

Setting goals
Goal setting is one of the effective leadership of the Director of the work in top positions. A trainer to ensure that each employee understands very well what is the goal or purpose of the organization. If there is no specific target, then the people's efforts are focused in the right direction, and this can lead to wasted time and money. Therefore, managers should pay particular attention to setting goals and achieving.

Communication skills
Communication skills are the most important skills effective Director. A good manager should have excellent written and verbal communication skills. This will make interacting with the young and the elderly easy to him and he will be able to explain their point of view. This also reduces the chances of any kind of misunderstanding between the team members.

Decision-making skills
Excellent decision-making skills are also one of the leadership qualities of one manager needs improvement. A Director of a big company has to make quick decisions, and ensure that they are in favour of the interests of the organization. This requires him to think logically and rationally. Decision-making skills are what distinguishes highly successful managers of those.

People management skills
People are said to be the real assets of the company and the company that wants to produce faster than their counterparts should be able to take advantage of human resources. Managers are responsible for creating good talent, team building, and proper coordination between team members. People and management of employee satisfaction and core functions. Sometimes, they have to settle disputes and try to maintain good relations between the staff of the greater interest of the organization.

Project implementation
The project is also one of the most vital leadership skills and effective Manager. Just having a goal and a plan to achieve this is not enough. Implementation plan correctly can ensure success for the organization. Managers must take special care to ensure that the minimum is idle time, and optimal use of available resources and not finish projects successfully on time to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, attract new customers/clients.

Business ethics
A knowledge of ethics and sound business rules is very essential in this modern era. Investors today want the maximum level of corporate governance, so you need to follow fair trade policy managers to live up to their expectations.

Risk management
Every business has some or other risks involved. Can be unaware of the risk to be dangerous for the growth and survival of firms. Therefore, the Smart Task Manager is to identify these risks and develop solutions to deal with it before it causes any loss to the company.

So, this was the effective leadership of the Director of the skills that are necessary for the growth of the enterprise. Cannot be inherited these skills overnight. Therefore, one should have the patience and the will and the capacity to master these skills and appear to be able to the leader. After reading this article, I am sure that you understand the importance of these skills and try to instill them in yourself. Good luck for your career!

Job Description For A Team Leader

As the title suggests, is the team leader is responsible for leading a group of people to make sure they play to the best of their capabilities. Each organization's brainstorms new strategies and plans, but team leaders who have to ensure that these plans are put to work. Team leaders are not only responsible for leading their teams in an effective manner, but the responsibility for finding and grooming new leaders are also located. Let's take a detailed look at the job description for the team leader.


The team leader is responsible for the delivery of the Organization's vision. It is the duty of the team leader to deliver organizational goals to staff effectively and address all areas of concern. Some of the other duties and responsibilities of the team leader are:

* One of the most important responsibilities of the team leader is to ensure that the Group achieves the objectives set by the Department. He has to look for areas to improve and help the team so that they lead to their full potential. There are times when the creeps in the monotony and lack of motivation of team members to achieve their goals. In these times, the team leader must act like a mentor and instill confidence in the team members. And that team meetings or talking with team members on a one-to-one basis. Therefore, the overall Commander of the team has to make sure to do everything in its ability to help the team achieve its objectives.
* Team leader is responsible for passing information from staff to management. If you are not comfortable talking with staff, management and team leader has to ensure that the underlined these concerns. Therefore, it can be said that the team leader serves as the focal point for his team.
* Team leader to act in such a way that he looked to as role models by members of his team. He has to work to the best of their abilities and ensure that appropriate examples for his team to follow.
* An important part of the role of the team leader is to recognize team members who performed exceptionally well and reward them for their efforts. It acts as a moral incentive for team members and instills a sense of pride and confidence in them.
* Apart from the implementation of all related tasks, and also shared the team lead in human resources related issues, such as performance reviews, evaluation, etc. it is important to say one team leader when it comes to selecting individuals for jobs and side movements within the organization. It must be neutral and impartial in order to ensure that the most deserving candidate is chosen.
* Not only the team leader to work with the members of his team, but he is also responsible for the development of new ideas and solutions that can help in coming up with new strategies.


New York, Boston and Chicago are cities that offer the best opportunities for team leaders. As for the data state of wisdom, New York, Massachusetts and California with the best compensation and benefits package. Team leader salary varies with years of experience. The table below gives information on the range of compensation team leaders with years of experience.

Experience compensation
1-4 years $ 55-78, 000 $
5-9 years € 75, 000-89 000 €
10-19 $ 72, 000-95 000 €
20 or more $ 81, 000-103, 000 $

Every team needs leadership institution able to get better results. The role of team leader plays in a very important and necessary to ensure that the organization runs smoothly.

Leadership Development Plan

Planning is the basis for action. When you have a plan in mind, of course you take the necessary action to implement it, and this is how these plans into reality. Having a plan in mind is never enough, to make it really work and write down more effectively. What is the importance of leadership development plan? Draw from your plan to improve your driving skills and gives you the vision and qualities to work for. It tells you the course of action you should take, along with the time you should check your goals. All these factors give you concrete base on which you can build your vision. 
 Furthermore, if you have written your goals and plan your work, and your commitment to accountability towards them increases. Split your comfort zone and you stretch your ability to improve yourself and achieve all those goals for yourself. You will surely meet several obstacles in the way, but your job to overcome these obstacles. Thus you come out stronger and more confident person.

So, how do you go about developing a plan? Here, we give you tips to make your leadership, along with a template that you may use this tracking.
How to Develop a Leadership Plan

The following steps will tell you how to go about developing a plan:

* Assessment: a leadership requires you to reflect and assess your strengths and weaknesses as a leader. You must note down where you are a great leader, so you have room for improvement, and attributes that you want to promote in the time frame provided.
Set objectives: the goals that you set to be smart, because it must be specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, and time-based. Do your goals include the development of listening skills and communicate better with your team members, and the implementation of new strategies in decision making, and the like? Whatever your objectives, make sure they fit these criteria so that you can easily achieve. Also note, why do you want to achieve these goals, the difference it'll make your career.
* Plan: you know what you what to achieve in a certain period of time, so now is the time to build on your vision. Type the path of the action they intend to take to achieve the goal.
* A implementation: the time has come to start implementing your plan for success as a leader. Take the help of your colleagues and mentors to help plan and implement improvisation. To get benefit at regular intervals so that you know whether your work as planned.
* Monitoring progress: Finally, monitor your progress as you work on your goals. If you think there is a little difference, but your work for something that will be more effective.

Finally, at the expense of frequency, make sure that the goals are realistic. You don't want to set targets unattainable and then find yourself disappointed. Be open to feedback from others so you can make a real difference in the way you work. Also, the obstacles that might be encountered in the process of implementing your action plan.

All About The Toxic Leader

He is very jealous of those who outperform him, and he gets out of the way to satisfy his boss treated people for him, and he appreciates your hard work and also dominates. Meet the leader, he is a person who uses a staff and hurt the company in the end. They misuse their power and usually left the group or the company in a worse condition than it was when I first joined. ' Toxic leader is framed by the words "in 1996 by Marcia Whicker to describe leaders in various areas who because of a dysfunctional characteristics causing serious harm to people. Toxic leaders initially people magic and leave them later in paralysis.

Toxic leader has different qualities which is obviously quite different from the qualities of a good leader. Read the list to get a better understanding, some of the descriptions may overlap and are interrelated in many properties. The more of these qualities that has a leader and is more toxic.

Incompetent: toxic, incompetent leaders didn't have skills and sometimes, will be asked to complete the task. May fail to understand the nature of the mission and related issues, thus, they ultimately fail to solve the issue. May not be prepared to deal with the task, but it will take help from others because they do not want to undermine their own capacities. All the same, they will not hesitate to take credit for anything is successfully or to blame someone when the job fails.

Daffodil: ego focused on people, who spend most of their time and energy. They have little or no interest in the Organization and staffing or task. Although it is so self absorbed, they have little self-esteem. They feel embittered and dissatisfied people, with deep-rooted insecurity. They put up their motives and purpose of the organization. They are selfish and will go to any extent to meet their personal goals.

Static: they are very stubborn and rigid, and that it will not accept other ideas. They are not willing to adapt to new ideas or changed over time. They won't even listen to the opinion of others, and they are convinced they are right. In fact, they firmly believe they are the only ones who are right. They surround themselves with people who don't trap them. As a result of this flexibility, with time become stagnant and unproductive.

Sensitive: they have no consideration for the well-being of others. It is sensitive to their issues and only care about their selfishness. They use people and organization to achieve your long-term goals. They don't care about how their actions can affect others. Always putting the needs and wealth than his followers.

Arrogant: they considered themselves superior in everything. It is because such arrogance that it does not recognize their shortcomings. Even when the job fails, they refrain from taking blame, it is very easy to blame someone else.

Funky: toxic leaders are cowards, they lack the courage to face difficult situations. They nearly always shy away from making difficult choices and thus fail to achieve any positive change. In fact, most of the time, their decisions to leave the team if awesome, then abandonment of the mission.

Ambition: to be a fairly ambitious leader, but toxic leaders openly ambitious. They have an appetite for success is not healthy, but is willing to go to any length to satisfy this insatiable ambition. They want everything; the prestige, power, money and success at any price, then have to adopt an unethical or compromising the well-being of people.

Tyranny: If you give a toxic leader, full control of the group or organization, and tend to become very authoritarian dominance, because of high aspirations. It is a fanatic, who wants to do everything his way, and he makes unrealistic demands of people. There is no regard for creativity or consideration of other ideas and opinion. They teach people to comply with their beliefs rather than questioning him.

Evil: these leaders are evil, they commit atrocities. What power have abused people hurt either physically or psychologically. They make sure they drink in their fear, right from the beginning. We can see many of the evil leaders in our history such as those who have violated fundamental human rights llatbaahm.

Toxic leadership may be intentional or unintentional; leaders who harm others to promote their ambition are toxic leaders. There are leaders who by negligence and incompetence has caused a lot of harm to others, these are the unintentional toxic leaders. There are many examples of toxic leadership of both types. In businesses, schools and colleges, the military and others. A study made in 2003 by the US War College tips for toxic command in the US Army. He said all the officers who participated in the study were victims of this leadership at some time in their careers.

It may be very difficult to deal with a toxic leader. Can not only ruin your career, but they can also have a terrible effect on mental health. To deal with a toxic leader, trying to find like-minded people and meet the leader or Chief Commander. You can also try to develop a strategy to oust the leader. If the corrupt leader, you can consider to get the media involved. If any of these ways, it is better to bid farewell to the leader and start again.