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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Advices At Your First Day of a New Job

A new job is synonymous with meeting new people, adjusting to a new environment, doing new work, and yes, coping with a new boss! With so many new things round the corner, you feel excited as well as nervous. Over-excitement and nervousness can mar your impression at the workplace on the first day, and this is something you don't want happening. In today's materialistic world, everything from your attire to your demeanor has a say in creating...

How To Write Your Resume

If you're still using the first resume format you learned in school, no wonder you're not getting call-backs. The rules have changed, and you may have been doing it wrong all this time. You're competing with more people than ever before, and your resume is the employers' first contact with you - make it count. Present the information they want in an easy-to-read format, and the hiring manager is more likely to read the whole page instead...

How To Make Market Analysis for Your Business

When you’re starting a business, it’s important to take a good, hard look at the market you are trying to enter. This helps you plan your approach to marketing, pricing and general operations, and as such, should be included in your business plan. Once your business is established, periodically re-analyzing the environment in your industry can help you adapt your business to changing attitudes, economies and regulations, and help you sidestep...

Tips To Start A Shrimp Farming Project

Shrimp farming essentially involves the cultivation of shrimp or prawns, mainly marine shrimp. Mostly cultivated for consumption basis, shrimp farming invariably has a commercial side attached to it. The concept of shrimp farming originated as a small-scale business idea, but has now grown to be a full-fledged global business. Commercial shrimp farming began in the 70s and has since then, become a rage, making it nothing less than a gold...

How To Trade In Forex

The word Forex is an abbreviation of 'Foreign Exchange' or it sometimes simply known as FX. This kind of market is a non-central, worldwide, over-the-counter market where currencies can be swapped and traded for corresponding prescribed values of trade. Forex trading essentially involves conversion of currencies at a certain specified exchange rate. The Forex market is one of the most complicated market as, lets face it, it consists of...